Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post Surgery

I had surgery a few weeks ago to have my gall bladder removed. There's our starting point. Now we're rewinding to the beginning of this January. January was when I realized that there was no way I could pretend to be normal any more. I was miserable trying to "eat healthy" and bla bla bla, so I went back to my disordered ways. I started the ABC diet, and lost over 30 lbs while I was on it! that was one of the happiest times in my life, let me tell you. At least, the weight loss part. I was also having major boyfriend drama, which ended with me breaking up with him. But, that is another story for a different time. Almost right after I finished the ABC diet, my doctors finally figured out why I've been sick since 2nd grade. I had a chronic gall bladder disease and I needed surgery almost immediately. They force-fed me until I gained enough weight to operate. They continued the force-feeding until a few days ago. They literally undid all my progress from ABC. Once they stopped watching me so closely, I started adding Fat Burner Blasts from Planet Smoothie into my green tea, and slipping appetite suppressants and metabolic boosting vitamins in with my medications. Its slow progress, but I can tell a difference. because of surgery, I can't be too active or I'll re-open my incisions and that would be painful. right now the most I can do is walking and yoga, but I am doing both as much as I can fit in. Lucky for me, my doctor ordered me to start taking Benefiber and probiotic pills, so I can eat more protein-rich foods and skip eating the foods that have fiber in them, and save myself the calories. I am thinking about doing a cleanse to get all this fat out of my system and then trying to break my fasting record which is a pathetic 4 days. Wish me luck. My motivation level is way down, and because of various reasons, I'm totally depressed. I already had to eat this morning, but I start fasting tomorrow, cleanse hopefully today. I can do this. Maybe once I do, I'll feel in control of my life again.

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