Since I am currently unable to really focus on counting calories due to medical, and my-family-is-seriously-watching-me-right-now reasons, I have decided to invent, or at least try a new diet. I will be eating only watermelon and drinking green and white tea, coffee, and no calorie drinks like Propel Zero and Vitamin Water Zero which have health benefits, while avoiding even no calorie soda because the carbonation makes one bloat and appear even heavier than one already is.
Either way, this is going to be an extreme antioxidant-filled diet, because watermelons, already extremely low in calories, have red antioxidants (hence the red color of the majority of melon,) which boost one's metabolism, therefore burning more calories throughout the day, and they have lots of fiber, which is not digestible by humans, consequently adding no calories, but bonding to fat and taking it out of one's system with it. The result is negative calories for you. (Woohoo! Bonus!) Another good reason for this diet is that watermelons are mostly, well, water, which fills you up on less "real" food and, as well as the antioxidants, has boundless benefit to one's skin. I really don't even mind eating slices of it and making a terrible mess and getting watermelon all over my face because its like a mini-facial. My skin never fails to feel significantly softer afterwards! The last benefit I can think of at the current, is that Watermelon is currently in season, and so I won't be spending so much money on buying it. plus, my mom loves it so she buys at least 3 whole melons per week which is plenty enough for me.
The reasons behind my choice of drinks are simple. Green, white, and even herbal teas are chocked full of delicious antioxidants which, once again, in case you missed it, are beneficial to weight loss in the form of metabolic boost, as well as... hmm... I don't think i mentioned this one earlier... killing free-radicals which cause cancer. This is a major bonus because its summer, aka swimsuit season, aka tanning season, aka sunburning season, aka causing-skin-cancer-in-the-relatively-near-but-still-rather-distant-future season. Another reason to drink teas are shared with coffee. I drink them warm. Not hot, usually not cold, but definitely warner than room temperature. This aids the illusion that I am full further than just having water in my stomach, because the warmth actually causes one's stomach to expand, which signals your brain to stop eating because it thinks one is stuffing one's self beyond the holding capacity of the stomach, which in my case, means I feel super-full on no food. Now moving past tea, a reason to drink coffee is for the caffeine content. Though I usually cannot drink coffee black and wind up having to add a bit of unsweetened almond milk, (which adds some protein, but barely any calories, 20 for 1/2 cup to be exact,) There are still significant amounts, as we all know, of caffeine in coffee. Other than the obvious wake-up effect of caffeine, there are good reasons for drinking it. It boosts your metabolism. It gives you calorie-free energy. And did you know caffeine can help with bloating? Why yes it can. It causes your body to process water faster, which (being perfectly scientific here, not trying to gross anyone out) makes you go to the bathroom more, which removes excess, universally despised, water-weight. (This is also a good tip after a purge using laxatives, because they can cause your body to hold onto water.)
I hope to be able to escape from eating family dinners by eating watermelon, and tricking my family into believing that I've eaten a lot, but if I can't, I will be sticking with fresh vegetables from our garden, or maybe a boiled egg or veggie burger. All are low cal, high protein and/ or high fiber. Wish me luck!
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